we are committed

At Juniper we are committed to nurturing the spirit of life in each individual we serve so that they may live fully throughout all seasons of life. To us this means understanding an individual, not only their needs but their desires and responding with programs and services which provide for the highest quality of life possible. Our Alive in All Seasons program of activities is designed to foster healthy bodies, enriched minds and fulfilled spirits. These pictures and stories are living proof that we at Juniper are dedicated to walking our talk!

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Valentine's Day & Birthday Bashes

Louisville believes in celebrating even the small things...as a small token of staff appreciation we are creating new traditions this year at our building. Those traditions include cheesy holiday gifts that bring out a smile to our staff and residents alike...so to kick off this new tradition, we started with Valentine's Day...staff were given badges that say world's best staff...not just because we like them, but because we simply have the world's best staff! They were then given temporary tattoo's, because our love for them is anything but temporary. Lastly, some sweets, because our staff always sweeten up our days by making things better.

We also started a new celebration of birthdays for staff members. We call it our walk of shame, and Cheryl, our Community Relations Director, is fortunate enough to celebrate her birthday on Valentine's Day. So, we broke out the birthday glasses and Kevin the Giraffe, and had her walk around the community for staff and residents alike so that they could all wish her a happy birthday. She insists that she is 29 one more time! Either way, we love her and wish her the happiest of days.  All staff were given a fair warning that they, too, will be up next when their time comes!

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Wild Wild West

The new year is here, and we’re in full swing at Juniper Village at Louisville. We have decided that there is no better way to start the new year other than to have an old wild west party. So we all said "YEEHAW," pulled out our cowboy boots and hats and had a good ol’ time at the Juniper hootenanny hole!

Banjo’s were dueling, country crooners were singing, people were dancing, and taking a lot of old fashioned photographs. We had finger lickin’ good food with good company. Don’t miss out on our next exciting event, the Masquerade Ball, on February 12th at 5:30pm. It’s guaranteed to be an excellent time! Y’all come down now, y’a hear!

Monday, February 18, 2013

Masked and Ready to Dance

Costumes and masks make everyone at Louisville smile. So, we thought why not combine two of the most fun celebrations; Mardi Gras and Valentine's Day...both of them lend themselves to having a masquerade and celebrating with delicious food. So, that's exactly what we did. We broke out the chocolate-covered strawberries, brownies, and other delightful goodies. We made masks and danced the night away.

Some of our more talented staff and residents were able to show us a move or two when we did the bunny hop, then the chicken dance. It was a fantastic night that was filled with laughter and smiles. Please feel free to join us for any of our events, we love to celebrate and create memorable moments with our loved ones!