we are committed

At Juniper we are committed to nurturing the spirit of life in each individual we serve so that they may live fully throughout all seasons of life. To us this means understanding an individual, not only their needs but their desires and responding with programs and services which provide for the highest quality of life possible. Our Alive in All Seasons program of activities is designed to foster healthy bodies, enriched minds and fulfilled spirits. These pictures and stories are living proof that we at Juniper are dedicated to walking our talk!

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Former WASP Betty Lotowycz Flew for her Country

If putting on a hat could take you back in time, Betty Lotowycz would be traveling with her daughter, Sophia Stoller, to 1942.
"How's that look?" asked Lotowycz, the moment she put back on the blue WASP beret.
"That looks pretty good," her daughter said with a laugh. "I think your head might have grown."
During World War II, while men were flying planes in combat, women were answering a call closer to home.
"Somebody had to fly the planes at home, you couldn't just let them rust on the ground," said Lotowycz.
She was one of the pioneering women who paid their own way to get to Avenger Field in Sweetwater, Texas, to become a Women Airforce Service Pilot, or WASP, as they were known.
Their mission was to fly military aircraft in the United States to free up men for combat flights.
The applicants were required to already have a pilot's license, but to become a WASP, they had to pass intense military training.
"You had to march in formation?" asked Stoller, looking at photographs.
"Oh God, yes," her mother said with a groan. "And we stayed in barracks and boy, was that hot. We had these rotten little cots, and they let us drag them outside for the night because it got cooler at night."
More than 25,000 women applied to be a WASP, only 1,800 were accepted, and just over 1,000 graduated -- including Lotowycz.
She flew different types of aircraft all over the country, delivering planes and cargo to bases, and even serving as a test pilot for military aircraft that could be less than reliable.
"When you were testing aircraft, after they had been worked on if there had been a problem, didn't you usually ask the mechanic to come up with you?" asked Stoller, remembering the stories her mother has told her over the years.
"You bet we did!" Lotowycz with a grin. "And if he said he was busy, we'd say, 'Well, work on the plane a little longer, and we'll go up together again.'"
In less than two years, the WASPs flew more than 60 million miles for their country before the government suddenly disbanded the program.
The pilots had to pay their own way home and were almost forgotten.
"WASP, what's a WASP? An insect that will sting you! Watch out!" laughed Lotowycz.
The women couldn't get veterans benefits or even jobs.
Lotowycz applied to be a commercial pilot using her nickname, Gerry.
"And you got as far as the interview they said sorry the flying public wasn't ready?" asked Sophia.
"For women pilots," Lotowycz  finished her sentence, shaking her head.
It wasn't until 1977 that the WASPS were finally given status as veterans, and in 2009, they received the Congressional Gold Medal.
"It is wonderful to get recognition after many years of being pushed to the side," said Stoller. "Because, you know, we sort of accept that after a while. 'It doesn't count, or it wasn't important.' But actually, it did count. It was important. I'm very proud of you mom."
Betty and three other local veterans will be honored during the Bolder Boulder's Memorial Day tribute on Monday.

Friday, May 22, 2015

2015 Juniper Leadership Conference Awards

Juniper celebrated its 27th anniversary this year.  Each year communities are honored for their achievements in critical operational and financial areas.

Awards were presented at the 2015 Juniper Leadership Conference, held this year in Baltimore’s historic inner harbor.  Awards were presented by Lynne Katzmann, founder and CEO of Juniper Communities, and Diane Byrne, Vice President of Program, Development, Training & Operational Oversight.

At the recent Juniper leadership conference, Juniper Village at Louisville was presented the Juniper Customer Satisfaction Award in recognition of the highest overall satisfaction score in the company in 2014.

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

May 2015 Events in Louisville, CO: Grow Strong Daily

Fitness is on our mind during our May 2015 events in Louisville, CO at Juniper Village at Louisville with our Alive In All Seasons theme “Grow Strong Daily”. As you know, physical activity is good for you both physically and mentally. Regular physical activity can help you to continue to do the things you love and stay independent as you age. Exercise can reduce the risk of developing some diseases and reduce symptoms of some chronic conditions such as arthritis, heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure and balance issues.

But, if exercise has not been a part of your daily routine how do you take that first step? Start by making it fun! Turn a walk around the block into a scavenger hunt – search for daffodils, birds, squirrels or lucky pennies. Instead of a dip in the pool, create an adventure as you pretend to swim with the dolphins. Rather than send your co-worker an email, walk to her office and communicate face to face, double the benefit with a smile! What’s important is to make it fun and just start – today!

Join us for our May 2015 events in Louisville, CO at Juniper Village at Louisville as we will Grow Strong Daily with Fitness Five, and walk “cross country” with our Route 66 Walking Program and learn more about keeping our hearts fit at our Healthy Heart Luncheon. We look forward to sharing these and many other activities with you this month. Peruse this month’s calendar, and we will see you soon!

Our fabulous May 2015 events in Louisville, CO at Juniper Village at Louisville include our:

§  Way to Grow Party as we are inviting our friends and family to launch our planting season since many of you have a great amount of knowledge that we could use our in our very own back yard and we will also be serving fruit salad with beverages on May 15th at 10:00 am.
§  Juniper Olympics because it’s time to get competitive here so come and challenge your skills at our very own ring toss or try to hit the bell to the top of our high striker on May 28th at 10:00 am.

We hope to see you at one or more of our May 2015 events in Louisville, CO at Juniper Village at Louisville!